Sponsored Research

Out of Eden Walk

The Out of Eden Walk is a 24,000-mile journalistic endeavor to create a global record of human life at the start of a new millennium as told by villagers, nomads, traders, farmers, soldiers, and artists who rarely make the news.  Sponsored and hosted by National Geographic Society...

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OmniSci (formerly MapD) - explore the power of GPUs in spatiotemporal analytics

Funded by OmniSci Technologies, LLC. as a member of the I/UCRC Spatiotemporal Innovation Center
Can be hosted on Harvard Cannon Cluster, Amazon AWS, Mass Open Cloud, MapD Cloud.

Use cases:

  • Improving access to hydrological models used in water management and public safety
  • Analyzing how political partisanship affects the geographic sorting of voters


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G. W. Skinner Regional Systems Analysis

An archive of the datasets developed for the Regional Systems Analysis laboratory, under the direction of G. William Skinner.

The core datasets, including GIS layers and tabular data, are being preserved in a repository on DataVerse.

The archived materials demonstrate the methodology of Skinner's Regional Systems Analysis, dealing with the Levels in Urban Hierarchy (LUH), Urban-Rural Continuum values (URC), and the delineation of Core Periphery...

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China Historical GIS

The CHGIS project has produced a comprehensive series of datasets related to the administrative geography of Chinese History. The data layers include nationwide coverages (for the years 1820 and 1911), and time series (for the Dynastic period from 221 BCE to 1911 CE). The administrative features include Provinces, Circuits, Prefectures, and Counties as they changed over time. Supplemental datasets include G.W. Skinner regional systems, Buddhist sites, features from historic Russian maps of China, Tibetan...

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