Geospatial on FASRC:Tutorial videos

These are the tutorial videos for the GIS Apps on Harvard’s FAS Research Computing (FASRC) Cannon compute cluster, a large-scale HPC (high performance computing) cluster supporting scientific modeling and simulation for thousands of Harvard researchers. It includes:

Getting Started with FASRC: This video is an introduction on how to access resources of CGA lab on Harvard’s FAS Research Computing (FASRC ). The video describes in details the steps for requesting an account under CGA, login and access to the cluster using VPN, using VDI tools, different data storage options on the cluster etc.

Using PostGIS on FASRC:  This video is an introduction to Using PostGIS on Harvard’s FAS Research Computing (FASRC). The video describes in details the steps for Launching, Connecting and Using PostGIS on the Cannon cluster. It is intended for Harvard users with FASRC accounts who would like to use PostGIS spatial database on the cluster for their GIS Data Science and Big Data research.

Using OmniSci on FASRC:  This video is an introduction to Using OmniSci on Harvard’s FAS Research Computing (FASRC). The video describes in details the steps for Launching, Connecting and Using OmniSci on the Cannon cluster. It is intended for Harvard users with FASRC accounts who would like to use GPU based OmniSci spatial database on the cluster for their GIS Data Science and Big Data research.

Using Jupyter Notebook on FASRC:  This video is an introduction to Using Jupyter Notebook on Harvard’s FAS Research Computing (FASRC). The video describes in details the steps for Launching, Connecting and Using Jupyter notebook on the Cannon cluster. It is intended for Harvard users with FASRC accounts who would like to use Jupyter notebook on the cluster for their GIS Data Science and Big Data research using Python.

Python for Geospatial Big Data and Data Science using FASRCThis workshop focuses on how to analyze large data sets using Python and FASRC. The workshop covers various tools and techniques used in Data Science and Big Data computations. Attendees are prepared to work with their own data sets and apply their analyses using FASRC.

More on FASRC Tutorials can be found here.

Our LINUX commands cheat sheet can be found here.

Questions/comments on these tutorial can be send to Devika Kakkar.