Esri Data and Maps for ArcGIS

Data and Maps for ArcGIS (previously called Esri Data & Maps) contains many types of map data at many scales of geography.

Most of the Data and Maps for ArcGIS collection can also now be accessed online directly. There are two ways to access ArcGIS data online. From ArcGIS Desktop applications, choose File > Add Data > Add Data From ArcGIS Online and search for the data you want to access. If you search for the Data and Maps for ArcGIS group, you can browse through all the datasets it contains. Alternatively, you can access ArcGIS online content in your web browser by going to You can also go directly to the Data and Maps for ArcGIS group so you can browse its contents.

Esri Data and Maps contains:

    United States (census, hydrography, landmarks, transportation, other)
    StreetMap North America
    World (Admin Boundary, city, contour, hydro, roads, urban zones, etc.)
    Europe (NUTS 0/1/2/3 Demographics)

Data from 2008 to current year are available in the HMDC computer lab in CGIS Knafel K026 (T:\ArcGIS Data & Maps 20xx, or T:\ArcGIS version Data & Maps, for data prior to 2012). It may be copied to a local or network hard drive, used in the lab, or mapped using the path \\\cgis\arcgis (it requires the fas_domain account login).

See also: Data, ESRI