I’d like access to SharePoint Documents "Center for Geographic Analysis, Harvard University"

The SharePoint Documents in 'Center for Geographic Analysis, Harvard University' contain three types of files:

  1. Public files, which anyone may access without restriction.
  2. Organizational files, which Harvard people may access by login with your Harvard ID and Key.
  3. Restricted files, which only CGA staff may access through named accounts.

If you encounter a problem when trying to access any organizational file, please first check to make sure that you have logged in to your Harvard Microsoft 365 account. If you don't have such an account, please visit https://huit.harvard.edu/microsoft-365 to create one. 

If you still encounter problems after proper login, please send a screenshot showing your problem, including the URL which let you to the CGA SharePoint site, and specify which particular file you need access to, via https://gis.harvard.edu/contactus. We will verify/correct the permission setting of that file, or send the file to you directly if appropriate.