Lingbo Liu

Lingbo Liu

Postdoctoral Fellow, Jul. 2022 - present
Visiting Scholar, Sep. 2021 - Jun. 2022

Lingbo Liu is a post-doctoral research fellow at the CGA. He was a lecturer in the Department of Urban Planning, School of Urban Design, Wuhan University, and a Visiting Scholar at the CGA of Harvard University. His research field focuses on healthy cities, using multi-source data and spatial quantitative models to capture the spatiotemporal features of urban system, analyze the coupling mechanism of the space-human system, and provide decision support for public policy, urban planning and design. His research highlights the characteristics of the entropy models in analyzing urban complex systems and explores a potential systematic path of Social Physics 2.0. Since 2019, as one of the core members, he has participated in the workflow-based spatial analysis platform project initiated by the CGA.

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