historical GIS

China Historical GIS

The CHGIS project has produced a comprehensive series of datasets related to the administrative geography of Chinese History. The data layers include nationwide coverages (for the years 1820 and 1911), and time series (for the Dynastic period from 221 BCE to 1911 CE). The administrative features include Provinces, Circuits, Prefectures, and Counties as they changed over time. Supplemental datasets include G.W. Skinner regional systems, Buddhist sites, features from historic Russian maps of China, Tibetan...

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PeriodO Project Update

PeriodO Advisory Committee Meeting Update (2017-09-25)

http://perio.do        meeting notes:  Lex Berman

The PeriodO project has developed methods for organizing, comparing, searching and – most importantly – referencing named historical periods as linked data.

Now in a second round of funding, the project is working on improving its search, reconciliation, and visualization services, and is reaching out to other projects and organizations in the spheres of digital...

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