Spatial Databases

Detroit Zoning Analysis

The list of work order tickets for Detroit provided by the researcher was converted into a GIS polygon data set containing 355,500 polygons using Python script in ArcGIS Pro. Polygons were mapped using the string of coordinates found in the “Polygon” field. For the ticket polygons / parcel zoning analysis, PostGIS software was used on...

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Introduction to PostGIS

PostGreSQL is a powerful open source object-relational database system. PostGIS provides spatial objects for PostgreSQL database with numerous spatial data processing capabilities. In this CGA's self-led tutorial the widely used geospatial relational database PostgreSQL/ PostGIS, will be introduced. Installation and configuration of PostGIS on an Amazon instance will be covered followed by spatial data loading, the use of Spatial SQL for spatial analysis, and export of results. The use of QGIS as a PostGIS query and...

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