Google Maps Platform

Google Maps Platform, previously called "Google Maps API Premium", "Google Maps API for Work" or "Google Maps API for Business", is for visualizing location based data or engaging your customers with embedded interactive maps. It allows users to:

  • Explore worldwide high resolution imagery, Google Maps Street View panoramas, and international road and POI coverage, without investing in base map data.
  • Develop mapping applications that run natively on mobile phones or within a phone's browser.
  • Use the same Google Maps API code for phones and desktops, saving time on writing code for multiple browsers

Users must conform to the TERMS OF SERVICE defined here and here.

Harvard's Google Map API Premium account expired on February 3, 2019. 

Google will no longer renew Harvard's organizational Google Maps API Premium account beyond February 3, 2019. All users are encouraged to get your own API key from Google directly. You will need to enter a credit card to set up a billing account. Based on instructions from Google as of January 2024, Google will give you $200/month credit (view their pricing structure). See get started. 

A Python 3 script named to extract locations from the Google Place API by latitude, longitude location and keywords can be downloaded at the link below.

place_script_v6.zip2 KB
See also: Services, Software