Esri Demographic and Lifestyle Data

The following data (2011 - current) is available in the HMDC computer lab in CGIS Knafel K026 (T:\Esri_Data_20xx). It may be copied to a local or network hard drive, used in the lab, or mapped using the path \\\cgis\arcgis (it requires the fas_domain account login).

  • Esri Updated Demographics
  • Esri Tapestry
  • Esri Consumer Spending
  • 2010 Census (Updated to current year)
  • American Community Survey

The data is for educational use only, and is presented in file geodatabase format at all levels of geography (state, county, census tract, block group, place, and ZIP code), for the entire U.S., and can be used in ArcGIS for Desktop, ArcGIS for Server, or other display/analysis software. read more

See also: Data, ESRI