OmniSci Virtual Summit for Accelerated Analytics - talk by Ben and Devika of CGA and Raminder of Harvard HPC

May 20, 2020

This virtual summit will feature new demos, webinars, and on-demand sessions related to the OmniSci GPU-accelerated analytics platform. On May 20th Ben Lewis and Devika Kakkar of the Harvard Center for Geographic Analysis(CGA), and Raminder Singh of the Harvard High Performance Computing group will explain how the OmniSci GPU-accelerated data science platform was deployed on Harvard's High Performance Computing infrastructure to enable exploration and analysis of big spatio-temporal datasets by Harvard researchers.  A demo will be provided using data from CGA's Geotweet Archive, to take a very preliminary look at attitudes toward the use of masks during the pandemic.  

A link to the presentation is here.

Using OmniSci on the Harvard HPC to explore Geo-tweet Archive